How to cancel a recurring membership

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Sometimes you will need to cancel a membership. Both the participant and organizer can do this, and we’ll show you how below.

How to cancel a recurring membership from the participant view.

If you need to cancel a recurring membership, you can do so from your profile page. First make sure your have the Participant View selected as below.

Once on the profile page, go to My Packages. Then click the Cancel Renewal button on the same row.

ClassFit will then as you to confirm that you want to cancel the membership. Click yes if you are sure.

How to cancel a recurring membership from the organizer view.

Every organizer has a contact database for all clients, including individual contact pages. For more on this please see this article – Adding clients to your database. Then navigate to the individual contact page your require by clicking on their name (as pictured below).

From this page you can go to the Packages tab to edit, pause, or cancel any of your client’s memberships. Simply navigate to the membership you want to cancel, and click on the EDIT package button (as pictured below).

Then change the status from Active to Cancel and click Save.

Once you have completed this, your page will refresh and you should see that the recurring membership is now marked as cancelled.

If you need any further help with this, please email

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