How can clients find my classes

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We know that your clients being able to find your classes is pretty important! We’ve created several options for your clients to find and book into your classes which we’ve outlined below. If you’re not looking for different ways for your customers to find your classes, but rather are having difficulty getting your classes to show up, please visit this page instead – Why aren’t my classes showing up.

How clients can find classes

There are several ways for your clients to find your classes including:

  • Adding your calendar to your website
  • Linking to your ClassFit profile page
  • Searching manually via or via our mobile applications

Adding your calendar to your website

If you have a website you can easily integrate our calendar widget so your customers can find all of your classes there. You can customize this widget to match your website branding, and it is fully mobile responsive as pictured below.


For more information on how to add your calendar to your website, please see the link below that is most relevant for you:

Linking to your ClassFit profile page

If you don’t have a website, you may want to send your customers to to book their classes. You can customize your profile page to act like a mini-website for you. It will have your branding, your key details and your calendar. You can manage your classes from their and your clients can book in from there. See below for an example profile from the organizer’s view. When viewing as a customer the edit options will be removed and replaced with options to book.

For more information on how to set up and link to your profile, click on the links below.

Listed as Favorites

Once your clients will login, the Favorites page comes up. Once they have joined your class, your studio is listed on their Favorites page. By clicking on your studio name or your profile picture, they will be directed to your profile page, where they can proceed in booking your classes.

Searching on ClassFit

If you’ve made your classes public, they will be visible for all to see. That means your current, and potential customers can find your classes via the ClassFit search engine. This is available on both and on our native mobile apps.

If you need any further help with this, please email

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