How to create a Course

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You can create courses which when purchased will enrol your clients into all linked classes automatically. This could be great if you offer bookings by the term for example.

Creating a Course

Once you’ve logged into go to Create a Package.

Then once on the create a package page you can create your class package in the normal way (with more guidance on that here). Click on the drop down for Package type and you will see option Course.

Creating term bookings with Course

This could be great if you teach by the term. Create your package, making sure you select “Course” under Class package type. Then you fix the parameters of the term by selecting an appropriate expiry date, and by selecting which classes you want any client who purchases this package to be automatically enrolled into. Note, the expiry date will start from the date of purchase, so if your clients are likely to book well in advance, you might be best to create a set of classes that are specific to this term and link this package to those.

Booking timings

Your clients will be automatically enrolled into every class which has been created and linked to your package. When new classes are created and linked to your package they will be enrolled into those immediately too.

If you need any further help with this, please email

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