Getting Started
- Creating your ClassFit account
- Adding your terms and conditions / waiver
- Create a class
- Creating discount codes
- Connecting to Stripe without an existing account
- How to activate/deactivate your payment plan
- How to change your payout timings on your Stripe dashboard
- Connecting to Stripe with an existing account
- How to take a screen recording
- Adding your branding
- Creating class packages
- Adding teacher profiles
- Connecting to Zoom and creating online classes
- Connecting to a Stripe Connect account (Australia, Brazil, India, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Singapore and United Arab Emirates)
- How to switch between organizer and participant/attendee views
- Linking to your profile
- Setting up your profile
- Can I integrate my calendar on a wordpress.com website?
- How clients purchase packages
- How to set the dates you get paid
- Helping clients to sign up
- How to find the contact details of a studio or business
- How to export payment data
- Creating a service
- Booking a service
- Change the time format shown on your classes
- Accessing another business account as a member of their team
- Adding a video to your content library
- Transitioning customers to the new system
- Adding your calendar to your wordpress.org or HTML website
- Connecting to Mailchimp
- Show Remaining Articles16 Collapse Articles
- Can I use ClassFit without a website?
- The difference between check-in policies and refund policies
- How to create a Standing Reservation
- How to create a Course
- How can I track my account and customer activity
- How to change your email address
- Why can’t I edit my class
- Setting up Payroll
- How to remove or update payment card details
- Refunds made to expired payment cards
- Unable to Login
- How to add a medical questionnaire / intake form
- Can I book several people into the same class with the same account?
- How do I enable/disable minimum numbers not reached emails?
- Why isn’t my class showing when I create a discount code
- Why isn’t my class showing when I create a package?
- How to see how many spaces are left in a class
- How to change your password
- Tell me about your data privacy policy
- How to hide and show cancelled classes
- How to add a credit to a client’s account
- How to drop out of a class
- User Experience
- Can my clients have the choice to pay both online and offline for the same class?
- How can I view medical / intake form data for my clients
- Do my clients need an account to book classes
- Why is my package not working
- Why have I been charged to join a class when I have a package?
- How to create a class using a template
- How to stop emails going into junk
- Issues uploading images
- Export all email address from contacts
- How clients can check their booking history
- Who gets notified when I edit a class
- What happens if I manually add a client to a class that is already full?
- Switching to a new Zoom account
- Why is some text, or a button missing from my calendar widget?
- How can I see which clients have booked into my classes
- Why is my discount code not working?
- How to get reports from Stripe
- How to Customize your Email Branding
- Show Remaining Articles26 Collapse Articles
- Make your classes recur
- How can I see who registered for my classes
- How to print a list of class attendees
- How to offer free classes or trials
- How to add multiple instructors to a class
- My Zoom classes show on ClassFit, but my Zoom meetings don’t show in Zoom
- How to add a client to an expired class
- Finding your Zoom link on ClassFit
- Setting up receipt emails from Stripe
- How to offer different pricing levels for classes
- Editing or deleting a class
- Banning and unbanning members
- Manually add, edit, cancel or pause a package
- How to add, edit and delete custom questions in the medical form
- How to make my members add their numbers while booking
- Choosing when clients can make bookings
- Emailing your class
- Creating a class with or without a drop-in price
- I’m having issues with my Zoom settings
- Why is my package not showing?
- Adding clients to classes
- How can clients find my classes
- Why aren’t my classes showing up
- Pausing recurring classes
- How waitlists work
- How to add a phone number to your customer’s profile
- How to check which classes I’ve booked into
- Checking in clients to classes
- How to join Zoom classes
- Show Remaining Articles14 Collapse Articles
Memberships and Class Packs
- How to refund a client
- How do I check how many classes I have left in my package?
- Unable to make online payment
- How to refund a client (Australia, Brazil, India, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Singapore and United Arab Emirates)
- Why isn’t my class membership or class pack showing
- How to check how many classes are left in a class pack or membership
- Why did a membership stop / not recur
- How to cancel a recurring membership
- How recurring memberships work
- How to view all purchased packages
- Editing class packages
- How to export a CSV Sales Report
- Adding your calendar to your Shopify account
- Adding your calendar to your Wix website
- Adding your calendar to your Weebly website
- Adding your calendar to your Squarespace website
- Adding your calendar to your GoDaddy website
- Adding your calendar to other website builders
- Adding your calendar to your wordpress.org or HTML website
- Connecting to Mailchimp
Other Tools
Mobile Apps
Client Support
How to print a list of class attendees
< All Topics
There may be times when you need a physical list of your class attendees—whether due to a lack of Wi-Fi or a no-device policy in your studio. Whatever the reason, you can easily print a list of attendee names for your class.
Steps to Print a List of Class Attendees:
- Navigate to Class Details
- Log in to your ClassFit account and go to the class details page for the relevant class.
- Highlight the Attendees
- Left-click before the first name on the list, then drag the cursor down to the last name to highlight all the attendees.
- Right-click on the Highlighted Text
- Once the names are highlighted, right-click the highlighted section.
- Select Print
- From the right-click menu, choose Print.
- Follow the prompts to print the list using your preferred printer.

Need Help?
If you need any further assistance, please email us at hello@classfit.com.
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