Why isn’t my class membership or class pack showing

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There are a few reasons which your class bundle may not be showing. We’ve outlined each reason and solution below

You have created a class membership or class pack for “first time clients only”

When creating a bundle, you will have the option to make it available for first time clients only. This could be to offer a cheaper, or even free bundle to new clients. Once a client has registered for any of your classes, they will no longer be able to see this bundle. If you want this bundle to be available to clients who have already registered for classes in the past, you can edit this bundle and un-check the “first time clients only” box.

This bundle type isn’t available for the user

A user can only have one active recurring membership at a time. If they have an active recurring membership, they will not be able to see or purchase another one until they cancel their first one. You can see our tutorial on how to do this HERE.

This bundle type isn’t available for the class

If a user is registering for a specific class, we give them all options available for purchase at checkout. This can include the single class price, or various bundle options. However, if the bundle does not include this specific type of class, or it will expire before the class date, it will not be shown as an option when purchasing this class.

If you need any further help with this, please email hello@classfit.com.

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