Why have I been charged to join a class when I have a package?

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There are a few reasons why you may be charged for joining a class, even if you have a package. Here are the most common scenarios:

Expired Package:
The class pack or membership you purchased may have already expired before the class date. Make sure to check the package expiry date before booking the class.

Insufficient Credits:
The class pack or membership you have may not contain enough credits to join the class. Confirm that you have sufficient credits available in your package.

Class Eligibility:
Some class packs and memberships are restricted to specific types of classes. It’s possible that your package does not cover the type of class you are trying to join. You can verify this with your class organizer.

Logged into the Wrong Account:
It’s possible you might be logged into a different account. For example, some clients have accidentally signed up for multiple ClassFit accounts using different emails or social login methods. Ensure you are using the account linked to the package. You can verify this by checking that the package appears on your profile page.

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If you need any further assistance, please contact us at hello@classfit.com.

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