Why did a membership stop / not recur

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There are three common reasons why a recurring membership might stop or not recur. We’ve outlined these below:

1. The Client Has Cancelled Their Membership

  • The client may have manually canceled their recurring membership through their account settings.

2. The Business Has Cancelled or Paused the Membership

  • The business might have paused or canceled the membership for reasons such as a temporary closure, client request, or administrative action.

3. We Were Unable to Take Payment for the Membership Renewal

  • If the payment for renewal fails, it could be due to insufficient funds, an expired card, or the card issuer withholding funds pending client confirmation of the transaction.

What Happens if Payment Fails?

If we cannot process the payment for a renewal, we will notify both the business and the client via email to make them aware of the issue. The membership will remain active for an additional 24 hours to give the client time to resolve the payment issue.

  • Second Attempt: After 24 hours, we will attempt to process the payment again. If the payment fails a second time, the membership will be canceled.
  • Client Action: Once the payment issue is resolved, the client can purchase a new membership.

Need Further Help?

If you need any further assistance, please email us at hello@classfit.com.

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