How waitlists work

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When your class fills up, ClassFit will automatically create a waitlist for additional clients. The rules of the waitlist change depending on how much time is left before the class starts. Below is a detailed explanation of how it works.

Waitlist Rules More Than 12 Hours Before the Class Start Time

If one of your clients drops out of a class more than 12 hours before it starts, the first person on the waitlist will be automatically notified via email that a spot has opened up. This client will have one hour to confirm if they want to take the available spot.

  • If they accept: The client is added to the class.
  • If they decline or do not respond within the hour: The next person on the waitlist is notified, and the process repeats until the spot is filled or all waitlisted clients have been contacted.

If no one on the waitlist takes the spot, it will be made available to the public.

Waitlist Rules Within 12 Hours of the Class Start Time

When a space becomes available within 12 hours of the class start time, ClassFit’s priority is to keep the class full. In this case, all members on the waitlist will be notified at the same time, and the spot will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to anyone on the waitlist or the public.

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