How to keep your fitness classes full in December

It’s no secret that December is a busy month for everyone – whether that’s with prep for the holiday season, gift shopping, meeting up with friends or trying to finish last minute deadlines, it can be a challenge for anyone to stick to their regular routine. One of the first things to go is often a commitment to consistently working out and attending routine fitness classes.
If you’re a fitness instructor and run your own fitness business though, a quieter December may not be welcome – even with the knowledge that a busy January is coming! Empty classes during December don’t have to be inevitable though – we’ve rounded up some of our favourite tricks to keep your classes as full as possible this holiday season:
Run a promotion
Even if you don’t typically run promotions, it might be an idea to try one or two in December. Often attending fitness or wellness classes can just slip by or be forgotten about in the hustle and bustle of December. A promotion grabs people’s attention and creates a sense of urgency. Plus, in a month that usually comes with a lot of expenses, your customers will surely appreciate the added value or discount.
Encourage customers to bring a friend!
Often Decembers are so busy because of social plans and needing to meet up with friends before the Christmas break. Plenty of festivities aren’t on the healthy side when it comes to the holidays, so stand out from the crowd and encourage clients to skip a drinks date and instead plan to attend a class with a friend! Whether that’s by offering a discount or free pass if they bring someone or simply encouraging your customers via your marketing, offering a more wellness focused opportunity to socialize will surely be a breath of fresh air!

Take payment upfront
This is something we encourage all year around but particularly during months when there are lots of distractions. Asking for payment online when making the booking is a seamless experience for the customer (no more dashing around trying to find a cashpoint) and locks in that revenue for you.
Offer shorter classes
Decembers are busy so instead of trying to fight against that, go with the flow! Even if your usual classes are an hour long, try offering 45 or even 30 minutes sessions for those who want to squeeze in their workout but are a little more pressed for time than usual. You may be surprised by how many customers will welcome the thoughtful approach to scheduling!
Offer festive classes!
Whether it’s a more festive class soundtrack, a ‘de-stress from Christmas madness’ class or simply some holiday snacks after a class, try putting a Christmas-y spin on some of your regular offerings.
People want to make the most of the holiday season which is where the drop-off in regular, ‘normal’ activities can happen. Try leaning into the holiday spirit so that even a fitness class can be fun, festive – and exactly what your customers need right now!

Stay in contact with your customer base and don’t be afraid to reach out.
Get the word out about your classes (and any special promos!). We say this a lot but don’t be afraid to reach out a few times about your offers or your schedule. Particularly in December, there are a lot of emails hitting people’s inboxes and a lot of content going up on social media so it’s easy for your messages to get lost in the crowd. Just because lots of people didn’t see them the first time around, it doesn’t mean that they’re not interested so keep trying! Your customer base will likely be glad of the reminder to stay healthy and to prioritize themselves during a period that can be hectic and stressful.
We hope you found these tips helpful!