Knowledge Base

Pausing your recurring classes

Last updated on June 1st, 2020

Occassionally you may need to pause your recurring classes. We’ll show you how in this article. 

Pausing your recurring classes 

On the top toolbar, click on My classes to see a list of all of your classes.


Then click on the recurring tab and navigate to the recurring class you would like to pause. Then click the “Pause recurring classes” button. 


If you want to pause the class indefinitely, select “Indefinitely”. Then insert the date from which you want the classes to be paused from. This will cancel any classes in this set from this date onwards, and will stop any additional classes in this set being created. 


If you want to pause the for a set period of time, select “Set period”. Then insert the date from which you want the classes to be paused from and the date which you want to pause to end. This will cancel any classes, and stop any new classes from being created within this set period. Once this set period is over, your classes will continue to be created as usual.