Banning and unbanning members

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Although we hope you will never need to ban a member, we have provided the option to just in case. We’ve outlined how to ban and un-ban users from your classes below.

Removing clients from class

Go to the class details page which the user has joined. Find the user in the participants list and click the trash icon next to their name.

A popup will appear. Choose Remove participant from this class only. Then click Submit.

Banning clients

Go to the class details page which the user has joined. Find the user in the participants list and click the trash icon next to their name.

A popup will appear asking if you want to remove the participant from the class, or ban them from all future classes. Click the latter, and then submit.

Unbanning clients

Hover your mouse over your profile picture and click on Settings. Then go the Account Settings tab.

Scroll down to Blocked List and click View Block List.


Then click Unblock on the right side of the client that you wish to un-ban.

If you need any further help with this, please email


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